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Valentine balloons

13 February 2019
Reading time: 3 minutes

Date night!

Here’s the thing: romance isn’t just about love and affection – it’s about growing moneywise, too.

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Relationships Planning

19 November 2018
Reading time: 3 minutes

Are you a cheap date?

Love doesn’t cost a thing, but dates certainly do – here’s how to keep from going broke.

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20 September 2016
Reading time: 4 minutes

Dynamic money duos: Savers vs spenders in a relationship

Why who you’re with influences how much you get ahead 

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Relationships Budgeting
blog make love not poor

15 February 2016
Reading time: 4 minutes

Make love not poor

Why a marriage counsellor may be the best wealth adviser of all

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blog the worlds toughest job

8 May 2014
Reading time: 5 minutes

The world’s toughest job

High praise for all the mums out there – and the savvy money decisions they make every day 

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Relationships Budgeting
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