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Our guides will help you through all stages of life…

Top Guides
for Planning & budgeting

Setting goals
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Money tracking
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Plan your spending with a budget
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Getting advice
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View all Planning & budgeting guides

Why money goals are important and how to set them

Here’s the first step to sorting our finances: working out where we want to be moneywise and what our priorities…

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How to track your money to create a budget and stick to it

Budgets help us plan where our money should be going, but it’s also important to track where our money actually…

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How to start a budget and why it's important

A budget (or money plan) is really just a simple plan for your spending.

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Find financial advice and support with money

Managing money can be challenging – not all of us have the skills to sort out the more complicated stuff.…

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Top Guides
for Saving & investing

Net worth
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How to save your money
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How to start investing
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Find a financial adviser to help you invest
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View all Saving & investing guides

How to work out your net worth and what it means

Simply put, net worth is the difference between the value of what we own and the total amount that we…

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6net worth
How to save your money

One of the best habits we can get into is “paying ourselves first” and making it automatic. The more we…

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How to start investing

Investing is all about buying things that put money back into our pockets. Sound intimidating? It’s really not. Those of…

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Find a financial adviser to help you invest

Not just anyone can call themselves a financial adviser. They have to meet a certain standard of competence and put…

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Top Guides
for KiwiSaver

How KiwiSaver works and why it's worth joining
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How to pick the right KiwiSaver fund
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Make the most of KiwiSaver and grow your balance
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How KiwiSaver can help you get into your first home
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View all KiwiSaver guides

How KiwiSaver works and why it's worth joining

Most of us can benefit from joining KiwiSaver. Here are its main features.

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How to pick the right KiwiSaver fund for you

Even if you’ve been in KiwiSaver for a while, your fund may not be a good fit.

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Make the most of KiwiSaver and grow your balance

To make the most of KiwiSaver, you need to make some important decisions along the way.

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Looking after it Live Sorted
How KiwiSaver can help you get into your first home

Getting on the housing ladder can feel out of reach, but KiwiSaver can bring it that much closer.

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Buying a first home using KiwiSaver

Top Guides
for Tackling debt

How to use buy now pay later
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What you really need to know before you use credit
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How to get out of debt quickly
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Credit reports
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View all Tackling debt guides

How to use buy now pay later loans like Afterpay or Zip

Buy now pay later can be a helpful way to spread out the cost of something over time with no…

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How to Pay later options still v2
What you really need to know before you use credit

Debt comes in many forms – credit cards, hire purchase, car loans, personal loans, mortgages, student loans. There's no shortage…

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How to get out of debt quickly

The longer we take to pay off debt, the more it costs us. So if there’s room in the budget,…

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How credit reports and scores work

We’re getting identified more and more by our credit reports these days. When businesses decide whether to lend us money,…

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Credit rating blog

Top Guides
for Protecting wealth

About insurance
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Insurance types
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Insuring ourselves
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View all Protecting wealth guides

How insurance works and how it can help

Sometimes things go pear-shaped. If an earthquake strikes, our house burns down, our car is in a crash or we…

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Different types of insurance and what they protect

Life is full of risks of things that could happen – the house burning down, the car being stolen, illness…

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How life insurance works

When we’re fit and healthy, it’s hard to imagine life changing. But what would happen if we couldn’t earn an…

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How to make a will

Why do we need a will? People mainly use them to write down family members they want to provide for…

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Top Guides
for Retirement

About NZ Super
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This year's NZ Super rates
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When you’re thinking of living in a retirement village
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How to plan, save and invest for retirement
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View all Retirement guides

About NZ Super

New Zealand Superannuation (NZ Super) is the government pension paid to Kiwis over the age of 65. Any eligible New…

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New NZ Super Rates 2021 v2
NZ Super rates – How much is New Zealand Superannuation?

The current rates of New Zealand Superannuation (NZ Super) below give a broad idea of how much the state pension…

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This years' Super rates
When you’re thinking of living in a retirement village

Moving into a retirement village can be a great option to live out your later years. But with so many…

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About NZ Super
How to plan, save and invest for retirement

Ask anyone who's retired, and they will say to start saving for retirement as soon as you can!

Even if it…

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Planning for retirement

Top Guides
for Home buying

How to refinance your mortgage
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How to save for a deposit
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Managing a mortgage
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Mortgage types
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View all Home buying guides

How to refinance your mortgage

Refinancing (also called remortgaging) is a normal part of home ownership. It’s when you replace your mortgage with another in…

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Refinance home
How to save for a deposit and other costs when buying a home

Getting into a first home takes careful planning and, for most of us, serious budgeting! These tips for first home…

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How to manage your mortgage and pay off your home loan early

It can feel good being a home sweet homeowner! But – and there is “the but” – we still need…

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Different types of mortgages and how they work

There are many types of mortgages, each with its own interest rate, fees and flexibility. Each of these things affect…

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Types of mortgage

Top Guides
for Life events

Going flatting
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Your first job
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Relationships and growing money together
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Planning for a family
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View all Life events guides

Going flatting

Sharing a flat is a big step towards being independent, but it also means we have to get used to…

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Your first job

One of the best things about starting work is the freedom that comes with earning our own money! It’s a…

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Relationships and growing money together

Being in a relationship brings new opportunities to build wealth that we wouldn’t have on our own. Moving in together…

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Planning for a family

Finding out we’ve got a little bundle of joy on the way is an exciting milestone! A new arrival is…

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