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Money personality quiz

It sounds like you best fit

The Contemporary

Living and spending in the now

You’re generous with your money, even if it’s a bit of a stretch. When the heart wants what it wants, it usually gets it.

As the Contemporary

There is no better gift than the present. You’re generous with your money, even if it’s a bit of a stretch. When the heart wants what it wants, it usually gets it. You see saving and looking after your finances as tomorrow’s job.

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Delightfully detached

Ignorance is bliss. What you don’t know (about your bank account) won’t hurt you.

A spender of the heart

Whether spending to celebrate, or spending to heal, your purchases are swayed more by impulse than intuition.

Living like there’s no tomorrow

There’s no time like the present. For you, tomorrow’s bills end up being eclipsed by today's thrills.


Your traits in action...

You are the product of the present moment, and when it comes to your money, you don’t place too much importance on it. Your generous spirit can be both a blessing and a curse, as you are prone to spending beyond your means, which can be tough to balance with your financial responsibilities. While you may dislike financial matters and lack confidence in your abilities to manage money, you hold the power to shape your financial future. By expanding your financial toolkit through the automation of processes that will take care of themselves in the background, you can free yourself up to focus more on what you love.

Steps to help a Contemporary grow

Get prepared

Build your resilience with a starter emergency fund, or a more robust safety net that will get you through it all.

Plan more giving

No fault in being generous, but it’s tough to give what you don’t always have. Work even more giving into your budget.

Set and forget saving

You're only as good as your system – automate your savings and get things growing in the background.

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