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Money personality quiz

It sounds like you best fit

The Enterpriser

Crystal clear about your financial future

You’re in the know with your money and know how to use it. You’re calculated with your spending, always planning for the long term.

As the Enterpriser

Your future is in your hands (and bank account). You’re in the know with your money and know how to use it. You’re calculated with your spending, knowing when to hold back, or when to make a move, and are always planning ahead.

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Future focused

Always looking beyond the horizon, your financial decisions are for the long term.

Wealth of wisdom

Knows when to invest, and when to play it safe. You spend your money logically however aren’t afraid to risk it when the timing’s right.

Cash confident

At one with your money. You pride yourself on taking care of your finances and revel in the decision-making that goes with it.


Your traits in action…

You have your sights set on success. Nothing will get in your way from achieving your financial goals. Your impulse control is enviable as you are not easily swayed by the temptations of the present moment. Although you are a great saver you are also aware that money can work for you, so you aren’t afraid to invest, even if that results in some loss. For you, money is a priority and a symbol of success, whilst you aren’t materialistic, you are aware it can be used to help further your money aspirations. Remember to enjoy the journey, and let your financial success be a reflection of your personal growth.

Steps to help an Enterpriser grow

Get prepared

Build your resilience with a starter emergency fund, or a more robust safety net that will get you through it all.

Choice products

Whether it’s investment or insurance, it pays to unpack the details of financial products to make informed decisions.

Sound advice

You may be used to doing it all on your own, but bouncing innovative ideas off an expert can’t hurt either.

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