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Like you’ve never seen it

7 March 2016
Reading time: 3 minutes

Posted by Tom Hartmann , 0 Comments

There’s typically something shameful in “shameless self-promotion”, but not so this time – I’m proud to let you know that this week will see the all-new Sorted come to light. It’s a bright, shiny, new lens on your world, and it really is yours: paid for with public money, trustworthy, impartial and independent as always.

Yet this time, it’s everywhere: built from the ground up for whichever device you happen to be on. It gives you a clear picture of your money matters so you can see what truly gets you ahead financially.

Okay, so if the new Sorted is a “lens” – what kind is it?

Whichever way we’re using Sorted to “see”, the important thing is that we’re seeing things differently, and making choices that mean we’re doing things in new ways, too. There’s no point in seeing our way to being debt-free, for example, if we end up mired in more debt all over again. What truly gets us ahead? We need to bring our fuzzy futures into focus.

So – Sorted like you’ve never seen it. Watch for your new lens on your money world later this week.

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