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My Money Sorted: Gordon

17 July 2024
Reading time: 4 minutes

Posted , 1 Comments

A bit about Gordon: University student Gordon Gore lives in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland and works part-time at a major bank. Outside of that, you’ll find him hanging out with his partner, on the football field, or binge-watching whatever’s on TV.  

What’s the best money advice you’ve been given?

To make my money work for me. It’s one thing to work for money, but it’s another thing to put that money to work to satisfy immediate needs and wants and provide yourself with some versatility when it comes to navigating the future.  

Are you a spender or a saver? 

I like to think I’ve struck a healthy balance between the two, saving and investing as much as I can, while allocating every other dollar to funding the life I want to live. Planning for the future is important, but it’s no use if we don’t stop from time to time to enjoy what we’ve achieved.  

Gordon - My Money Sorted

“It’s one thing to work for money, but it’s another thing to put that money to work.”

What’s a memorable money moment you’ve experienced? 

Parkinson’s Law – the idea that work expands to fill the time we’ve allocated for it. I’ve discovered that the same thinking applies to the way we manage our money. For example, if we give ourselves $100 to spend, we’ll find a way to spend it all. In the same way, if we adjust that amount, somehow our subconscious will adjust our spending too. There’s the old cliché “less is more”. With a slight change in perspective, I’ve found myself able to do a lot more with even just a little. 

What makes you feel Sorted when it comes to your money? 

Knowing that every dollar I earn is serving an important purpose in the overall picture, while at the same time taking comfort in the fact that I have funds to fall back on. Ultimately, money either adds to our stress or helps remove it. If I feel like I know what I’m doing and that I’m prepared for the unforeseen, that’s better than having no plan and preparing myself for failure.  

What money beliefs have you inherited from your friends and whānau? 

There are three beliefs that I’ve caught onto from others:  

  1. Money’s a tool that can either fix or damage your life, so use it wisely.  
  2. The aim is to be wealthy, not to look wealthy to others when you’re actually suffering.  
  3. If something won’t make you happier, healthier or wealthier, it’s likely not worth doing.  
Gordon - My Money Sorted

“With a slight change in perspective, I’ve found myself able to do a lot more with even just a little.”

What would your bank account say to you right now?  

It’d tell me to relax and not sweat the small stuff. Over the next year, I’ll move from studying into full-time work. I’ve looked after my financial wellbeing and can find comfort in the fact that I’ve set myself up for success. For now, I need to think a little less about money, and more about what’s in front of me.  

What’s been your proudest money moment? 

As part of my transition to working full-time, I’ll graduate with my second university degree. I’m proud to share that I’ve achieved both my degrees without a student loan. All throughout, I’ve worked part-time and saved enough on the side to get me through, and it’s made the journey all the more satisfying.  

When you think about your retirement, what do you see? 

I’m very much a city-dweller and like to stay busy, so I don’t think I could handle moving to the country, but I want to know that I can escape whenever I like, and I enjoy switching off and relaxing with my partner. I’ll read this again when I’m 65 and see how much of a busy person I still am! 

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  • Gravatar for Emily

    17 July 24

    Great stuff, Gordon. Well said

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