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It’s easier than you might think to work out how to manage your everyday money while working towards your long-term goals. Small steps really add up. We’ve got the information and inspiration you need to help you take control of your finances and get on track for your future. After all, sorting your money doesn’t just take care of your goals – it supports the future of your whānau. Let’s dream up some goals.

Get your budget sorted

Budgets are simply plans to track your spending and saving. Our budgeting tool lets you map your money to get you to your goals quicker.

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Top money hacks

  • Set up a separate account for each goal, so you make sure you’re making progress.
  • Visualise your goal with this statement: ‘I will have $x for x in x months.’
  • Get to your goal with this formula: ‘Each time [this] happens, I will do [that] in [location]’. For example, ‘Each time I’m paid, I will set aside $50 in my goal account.’
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Next Steps

To get on your way sorting your everyday money, here are some key actions to take.

Plan the path to your goals

Most goals in life need money and a plan. Work yours out using our goal planner, with your timeframe, goal amount, and of course your ‘why’.

Work out how much to stash

Knowing your goal amount, the next step is to break it down – how much do you need to set aside regularly in the time you have? Figure it out here.

Find more money for your goal

Could you flow even more funds towards your goal and reach it faster? Crunching your budget can help you find extra money. Here’s our budgeting tool.

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