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Key COVID-19 information

16 March 2020
Reading time: 3 minutes

Posted by Tom Hartmann , 6 Comments

The global spread of COVID-19 and New Zealand’s efforts to slow its reach in this country bring up many questions. Here’s where to turn for information and advice:

Government advice and directives

For government advice and directives regarding health, travel, education, business and community, see

Wage assistance

If your business has suffered a 30% loss or more in revenue due to COVID-19, or if you need to self-isolate, the government will subsidise wages, to be paid out by employers at $585.80 per week for full-time workers for up to 12 weeks, and $350 per week for part-time workers.

Read more about the Government’s economic support package.

Health information

The Prime Minister sat down with Chief Science Advisor Juliet Gerrard and science educator Dr Michelle Dickinson to clear up some of the questions around COVID-19.

Watch on the PM’s Facebook page 

Winter energy payment increase

This year's winter energy payment will double to $1,400 for couples and $900 for singles, which will help 850,000 people.

Support for beneficiaries

There will be a permanent increase of $25 a week in main social welfare benefits, which will help 350,000 low-income families.

KiwiSaver balance ups and downs

Many KiwiSaver funds are invested in the sharemarket, which has fallen due to the effects of COVID-19. Here are some FAQs.

Using your KiwiSaver money in the next 3 years?

If you intend to use your KiwiSaver money to either retire or purchase your first home within the next 3 years, it’s important to consider whether you’re in an appropriate KiwiSaver fund to ensure the money will be there when you need it. These 3 questions can help you decide. It's also a good time to contact your provider or financial adviser for advice.

Mortgage or loan concerns

The New Zealand Bankers’ Association is urging affected customers to speak with their bank as early as possible. The sooner you contact your bank, the better placed they are to help you through financial stress. 

Depending on your circumstances, support may include:

Budgeting help

We have a range of budgeting guides that can be of help. For personalised support, reach out to the team at MoneyTalks on 0800 345 123, or text 4029.

Retirement villages

Residents and their families should contact the manager of their village to ask what procedures are being followed. You can also contact us or the Retirement Villages Association

Aged care facilities and rest homes come under the auspices of HealthCERT, District Health Boards and the Health and Disability Commissioner. If you're concerned about an outbreak of coronavirus at an aged care facility or rest home, contact the operator of that facility, their local DHB or the Aged Care Association.

Government helpline

If you’re unsure where to contact for the help you need, there’s a free government helpline on 0800 779 997.

Information in more languages

Here’s where to find government information relating to COVID-19 in many languages.

Comments (6)


  • Gravatar for Jeannette Mackenzie

    28 March 20
    Jeannette Mackenzie

    Its all very well linking back to the Work and Income site for the WageSubsidy...
    But where is the form to complete - asking for a friend of mine who is self employed. Crikey, even I can't find it.

  • Gravatar for Marty Tufunga

    24 March 20
    Marty Tufunga

    Budget help

  • Gravatar for Marty Tufunga

    24 March 20
    Marty Tufunga

    Hope to hear soon

  • Gravatar for Tom from Sorted

    23 March 20
    Tom from Sorted

    Hi Speed, thanks for commenting. The important question to ask with your investing is "How soon do I want to use the money?" Your strategy should be based on that. For those who have more time before they need their funds like you, they can ride out a downturn and stay the course.

  • Gravatar for Speed

    21 March 20

    I'm retired 73 years old and have an amount of money in a super fund balance growth 50/50 should I just leave it and see what happens with this virus I'm not in need of the money look forward to comments

  • Gravatar for

    16 March 20

    I'd like to know what comes of my large sum of ANZ bonus bonds and if its worth removing them all.

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