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Create a personalised saving plan –  start here:

It's never too early (or too late) to start saving for your future.

Taking small steps now can lead to big rewards down the road. Have a look at the guides, tools and videos on this page to make your plan and kickstart your journey to financial freedom.

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Saving calculator

Are you saving a bit at a time, or for a goal? This tool lets you see how quickly your savings can add up, especially with the power of compound interest.

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Top money hacks

  • If you’re saving for goals other than a first home or retirement, most KiwiSaver providers offer non-KiwiSaver funds that are basically the same, without all the rules.
  • Shop around for the right fund for you with the investment mix you want, and compare funds to make sure the fees seem reasonable.
  • How you invest should be mostly driven by how soon you’ll need to use the money, and how comfortable you are with risking it.
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Your new favourite podcast

Sorted joins Kiwi dads Jordan River, Brooke Ruscoe and Marc Peard of New Zealand’s ever-popular podcast, The Morning Shift, for Sussed. Sorted. Shifting. Tune in to be empowered to take action and shift your position.

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Next steps

To get on your way sorting your saving, here are some key actions to take.

Set your direction with goals

Goal-setting helps you see where you want to be and what your priorities are. You’ll be surprised what you can achieve over time.

Build your investor profile

To invest well, know what type of investor you are, the right mix of investments for you, and what results you can expect. Here’s our investor profiler.

Run your retirement number

The sooner you check whether you’re on track financially for the retirement lifestyle you want, the more options you have to hit your future target.

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Feeling stuck? 

Flick a question to the Sorted team, or reach out to MoneyTalks on 0800 345 123 for personalised help.


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