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Here's the bit about your incomings tooltip icon Enter in all sources of income you have in your household . These are the amounts that come into your account that you can spend (after taxes, fees, and any other deductions like KiwiSaver are taken out).


View add-mortgage add-mortgage

We are loading your budgets

Map out where you spend money tooltip icon Fill out each category below with each item you spend money on. You should see most of your main expenses, but when you remember any other things you spend on, make sure to include them as well.

prioritise icon Reorganise

View add-mortgage add-mortgage

budget breakdown tooltip icon This shows how much you're planning on spending in each category. Look about right? Remember that you can adjust your plan to suit you.

reset iconRESET

budget breakdown

Graph view

List view

Good news!
You're running a surplus



still left in your budget.
Give that money a job to do to get to your goals quicker.

Go to our Goal Planner
It looks like 0% of your budget is made up of fixed expenses. You can consider setting aside


into a bills account to make sure they're always covered.
Tips for optimising your budget



of your spending is
non-essential, you may be able to cut some for more savings

View non-essential expenses

At the moment 0% of your spending is non-essential. Can you adjust anything to find more savings?

It looks like 0% of your expenses are fixed, that's


As you review your expenses, you can mark those that are fixed. This can help you plan ahead for the more predictable things.

You can look at putting $0.00 into a separate account each week to keep your fixed expenses covered. Theyre more predictable.

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Are any of these must-haves for you? Review each one and mark those that are truly 'needs'.

Sorted Step

Set your goals, then reach them!

Where do you want to be? What are your priorities? Setting targets help you aim your money to reach your goals in life.


Investment funds

Putting your money into a fund like KiwiSaver – so it’s pooled with other people’s money and invested for you – is an easy way to get started with investing.


Flipping the thinking on KiwiSaver fees

Do you get what you pay for? The finance world doesn’t always work like that.


How to start investing

Investing is all about buying things that put money back into our pockets. Sound intimidating? It’s really not.


Make the most of KiwiSaver and grow your balance

When it comes to KiwiSaver, the more you put in, the more you will get out of the scheme. But how much should you contribute?


How to pick the right KiwiSaver fund for you

Even if you’ve been in KiwiSaver for a while, your fund may not be a good fit. It’s best to check.


How to refinance your mortgage

Refinancing (also called remortgaging) is a great opportunity to save thousands on interest and finish paying off your home more quickly.


How to manage your mortgage and pay off your home loan early

As borrowers, we’ve actually got far more options than we typically realise when it comes to reshaping mortgages a bit more in our favour.


Different types of mortgages and how they work

There are many types of mortgages, each with its own interest rate, fees and flexibility. Let’s break some of the terms down…


How to save for a deposit and other costs when buying a home

Getting a deposit together takes careful planning, saving and investing. Let’s break it down into steps.


How KiwiSaver can help you get into your first home

That first rung on the housing ladder can feel far out of reach at first, but KiwiSaver can bring it that much closer as you save and invest for a home of your own.


Investor profiler

As you put your money to work, how much risk is right for you? It depends on your personality, situation and the timeframe you’re investing for. Build your investor profile here.


Savings calculator

Are you saving a bit at a time, or for a goal you have? This tool lets you see how quickly your savings add up, especially with the power of compound interest over time.


Goal planner

Many goals in life need money and a plan – this goal-setting tool helps you take the first steps to make them happen.


How to start a budget and why it's important

A budget (or money plan) is really just a simple plan for your spending.


How to use buy now pay later like Afterpay, Laybuy or Zip

Buy now pay later loans can be a helpful way to spread out the cost of something in instalments. But they are debt and can lead to trouble.


Debt calculator

How quickly could you be debt free? When you are ready to tackle your loans, this tool collects all the debt you’re carrying and shows you the fastest way out.


Pros and cons of debt consolidation

Taking out a new loan to wrap all your existing debts together and pay them off at once can get you out of debt faster and save you heaps… as long as you’re not running up even more debt in the meantime.


How to get out of debt quickly

Staying in debt is not sustainable over time (it keeps you from getting ahead). Here’s the quickest way to get out… and stay out.


What you really need to know before you use credit

If you’re just thinking about a loan or applying for credit, read on for the key things to know ahead of time.

Feeling stuck?

For personalised help, reach out via the MoneyTalks free money helpline on 0800 345 123, live chat, email, or text 4029. You can even use them anonymously.

In need of financial help?

Money is tight at times. There are good options available to help.

Help with the cost of living

Prices have been going up all around us, and we know that it’s tough out there right now. Here’s some support to help make your money stretch as far as possible.


Budgeting isn’t just for bills

When done right, a budget can give you a plan for your money while making sure you can still spend on the things you want to.


“Pay yourself first” – WTF does that even mean?

Sounds great – but isn’t that what happens every time I get paid?


Overcome that overspending today

Many of us struggle with buying things we don’t need. Understanding what’s driving that can help us get our money under control.


How to track your money to create a budget and stick to it

Budgets help us plan where our money should be going, but it’s also important to track where our money actually goes.

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Budget planner abstract background image
Budget planner abstract background image

Budget planner

Ready for a new plan?

Set up a budget that
works for you

Budget planner abstract background image

Let’s start your budget…

Step 1/1

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